
28 December, 2009

"Anak Semua Bangsa" (Child of All Nations)

Posted by Dipa Sandiwara at Monday, December 28, 2009

ANAK-SEMUA-BANGSA"Anak Semua Bangsa" (Child of All Nations) is the title of the second book of the Buru tetralogy thats works by Pramoedya Ananta Toer. In this book, Pramoedya Ananta Toer told about a turning point in the life of Minke. As a continuation of "Bumi Manusia" (The Earth of Mankind), this book starting with stories about the ailing Annelis that trip to Holland. Powerless against her deep grief, and suffering caused by illness, Annelis eventually died. This news of Annelis death received by Minke and Nyai Ontosoroh. Minke in the midst of grief trying to be strong and continue writing.

Minke then acquainted with Kommer, an anti-colonialism journalist who is his friend Jean Marais, satirical Minke who always write in Dutch and English. In fact, Minke's mother desire for Minke tried to write in the Java language, while Minke's else friends wants him to write in Malay. But Minke refused on the grounds that Malay language newspaper only reading by people with low education. According to that, Minke thought that his writings will be more meaningful if it is written in Dutch.

Minke then accompanied Nyai Ontosoroh vacationing in Sidoarjo sugar cane plantations. Here, Minke are faced with two choices, between admiration for the civilization of Europe and opened his eyes to the reality of his own nation. Minke then met with Khouw Ah Soe, an activist movement. Introduction with this youth Chinese, as well as Nyai Ontosoroh advices, began make Minke open his mind about the resurrection of a nation. Minke consciousness and awakened, that he was the son of his people (Malays) and must do something for the human beings around him, his own people.

Minke start making posts with a new perspective, and hope this paper will be able to affect the consciousness of the reader. But apparently the publishers rejected the writings. Minke then continue her schooling to Stovia. On the way to Batavia, Minke met a Dutch author, from whom then Minke increasingly aware that what kind of mafia related to sugar, and realized why his writing was rejected. In his mind and heart, now growing awareness, that what she learned at school, totally different from what is met in reality.

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